Sexy Is a State Of Mind, Not a Body Type

If I had a dollar for every client that told me they didn’t think they were sexy because of ______ you fill in the blank. I’m too short, too fat, my boobs are too small, I wish my butt was bigger, I wish my butt was smaller, I hate my stretch marks, I wish I didn’t have cellulite. I could literally write an entire blog about all of the things we women tell ourselves that make us feel unsexy.

“I have literally gained and lost 40 pounds and I can honestly say when I lost the 40 pounds I didn’t feel any sexier.”

We tell ourselves that if we achieve a particular body goal we’ve set up in our mind we would THEN feel sexy. We could then feel confident enough to wear the bikini or wear that dress. I am guilty of this mindset as well. I really am. But then I have those rare clients who come in with their imperfect bodies and they exude sexiness. I mean they just allow themselves to be completely vulnerable and let me see the REAL them. THAT is sexy, that is what I think every woman wishes they had. I have literally gained and lost 40 pounds and I can honestly say when I lost the 40 pounds I didn’t feel any sexier. I was blown away by this realization. I felt like the same old ShaRelle. I had the same voice in my head and it was telling me the same things it did when I was 40 pounds heavier. Proof that sexy is a state of mind, not how we look.

How you see yourself is so important to feeling confident and sexy

I’ll give you another example if I polled a group of pregnant women some would say they feel sexier than ever being pregnant, some would say they feel the same as before they were pregnant, and some would say they felt unattractive. It’s just a state of mind, so I am challenging you to try and change your mindset, try and just accept yourself as you are.


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